Tue.3 14:45–16:00 | H 3002 | GLO

Recent Developments in Structured Difference-Of-Convex Optimization

Chair: Zirui Zhou Organizer: Zirui Zhou

Akiko Takeda

joint work with Jun-ya Gotoh, Katsuya Tono

DC Formulations and Algorithms for Sparse Optimization Problems

We address the minimization of a smooth objective function under an L0-norm constraint and simple constraints. Some efficient algorithms are available when the problem has no constraints except the L0-norm constraint, but they often become inefficient when the problem has additional constraints. We reformulate the problem by employing a new DC (difference of two convex functions) representation of the L0-norm constraint, so that DC algorithm can retain the efficiency by boiling down its subproblems to the projection operation onto a simple set.


[canceled] Hongbo Dong

joint work with Min Tao

On the Linear Convergence of DC Algorithms to Strong Stationary Points

We consider the linear convergence of algorithms for structured DC optimization. We allow nonsmoothness in both of the convex and concave components, with a finite max structure in the concave component, and focus on algorithms computing d(irectional)-stationary points. Our results are based on standard error bounds assumptions and a new locally linear regularity regarding the intersection of certain stationary sets and dominance regions. A by-product of our work is a unified description of strong stationary points and global optimum by using the notion of approximate subdifferential.