Tue.2 13:15–14:30 | H 0110 | CON

Hyperbolicity Cones and Spectrahedra (2/2)

Chair: Markus Schweighofer Organizer: Markus Schweighofer

Rainer Sinn

joint work with Daniel Plaumann, Stephan Weis

Kippenhahn’s Theorem in higher dimensions

Kippenhahn’s Theorem relates the numerical range of a complex square matrix to a hyperbolic plane curve via convex duality. We will discuss this result and its generalization to higher dimensions (which goes by the name of joint numerical ranges of a sequence of hermitian matrices) from the point of view of convex algebraic geometry.


Markus Schweighofer

Spectrahedral relaxations of hyperbolicity cones

We present a new small spectrahedral relaxation of hyperbolicity cones that relies on the Helton-Vinnikov theorem and exhibit certain cases where it is exact.