Tue.4 16:30–17:45 | H 0111 | IMP

Computational Optimization

Chair: Spyridon Pougkakiotis

Steven Diamond

joint work with Akshay Agrawal

A Rewriting System for Convex Optimization Problems

We present a modular rewriting system for translating optimization problems written in a domain-specific language to forms compatible with low-level solver interfaces. Translation is facilitated by reductions, which accept a category of problems and transform instances of that category to equivalent instances of another category. The proposed system is implemented in version 1.0 of CVXPY, a widely used domain-specific language for convex optimization. We illustrate how the system facilitated CVXPY’s extension to disciplined geometric programming, a generalization of geometric programming.


Spyridon Pougkakiotis

joint work with Kresimir Mihic, John Pearson, Jacek Gondzio

Exploiting Circulant Properties of Matrices in Structured Optimization Problems

Circulant matrices are prevalent in many areas of mathematics. Their eigenvalue decomposition can be computed expeditiously, using the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT). In this talk, we discuss advantages of exploiting circulant properties of matrices arising in certain structured optimization problems.


Harun Aydilek

joint work with Ali Allahverdi, Asiye Aydilek

[moved] Minimizing Total Tardiness in a No-Wait Flowshop Scheduling Problem with Separate Setup Times with bounded Makespan

No-wait flowshop scheduling problem is addressed to minimize total tardiness where the Cmax is bounded. A new simulated annealing algorithm (NSA) utilizing a block insertion and exchange operators is proposed. NSA is combined with an iterated search where the block SA explores the search space for a smaller total tardiness while the iterated search satisfies the constraint, called PA. PA is compared with 6 closely related and best algorithms. Computational experiments based on simulations reveal that PA reduces the error of the best algorithm by 50 %. The results are statistically tested.