After a busy day with plenty of talks, the participants enjoyed the conference dinner on a boat, cruising through the historic center of Berlin.
Congratulations to Xudong Li for winning the Best Paper Prize for Young Researchers in Continuous Optimization with his contribution "Exploiting second order sparsity in big data optimization". The three other finalists, Amal Alphonse, Yuxin Chen, and Damek Davis were also praised by the best paper Committee.
After a sensational opening ceremony, ICCOPT is underway! Plenary sessions brought to the forefront the latest developments in mathematical optimization. The Best Paper Session showcased four finalists who gave their talks. The result will be announced during today's Conference Dinner. The day ended with a lot of robust discussions during the poster session.
ICCOPT opened with a vibrant and active summer school with tutorials by P. Richtárik, J.-C. De los Reyes and T. Munson. The Welcome Reception is taking place right now in the Lichthof of TU Berlin -- you still have the chance to join!
On Friday, August 2 at 15:15, Prof. Ya-Xiang Yuan will give a Special Guest Lecture on "Efficient optimization algorithms for large scale data analysis" at WIAS Berlin. All ICCOPT guests who are already in Berlin are invited to join the lecture.
DetailsICCOPT 2019, the Sixth International Conference on Continuous Optimization, will take place on the campus of the Technical University (TU) of Berlin, August 3-8, 2019. The ICCOPT is a flagship conference of the Mathematical Optimization Society (MOS), organized every three years.
ICCOPT 2019 is hosted by the Weierstrass Institute for Applied Analysis and Stochastics (WIAS) Berlin. It will include a Summer School (August 3-4) and a Conference (August 5-8) with a series of plenary and semi-plenary talks, organized and contributed sessions, and poster sessions.
World-renowned cultural and research institutions, a thriving creative scene and its rich history make Berlin a popular place to live, work and travel. The venue of the conference is located in the City West, one of the main commercial areas in Germany's capital.
We invite researchers and practitioners working in the field of optimization to join us and enjoy Berlin's convenient travel facilities, almost unlimited recreational possibilities, an open-minded and international atmosphere, and a lot of exciting mathematics in the summer of 2019!
Chair of the Organizing Committee
Michael Hintermüller
Schedule overview Conference Book (pdf) Parallel sessions overview (pdf) Detailed schedule Conference Apps
The scientific program of ICCOPT 2019 consists of
Each talk or minisymposium is assigned to a thematic cluster.
Welcome reception
Mon.1, 11:00-12:15
Lunch Break
Mon.2, 13:45-15:00
Best paper session
Poster session
Tue.1, 10:30-11:45
Lunch Break
Tue.2, 13:15-14:30
Tue.3, 14:45-16:00
Tue.4, 16:30-17:45
Wed.1, 11:30-12:45
Lunch Break
Wed.2, 14:15-15:30
Wed.3, 16:00-17:15
Thu.1, 9:00-10:15
Thu.2, 10:45-12:00
Lunch Break
Thu.3, 13:30-14:45
Click on the picture for more details.
Click on the picture for more details.
Applications in Economics, Energy, Engineering and ScienceLars Schewe (U Erlangen, Germany),Peter Schütz (NTNU, Norway), Golbon Zakeri (U Auckland, New Zealand) |
Big Data and Machine LearningGitta Kutyniok (TU Berlin, Germany),Kim-Chuan Toh (NUS, Singapore) |
Complementarity and Variational InequalitiesMichael C. Ferris (U Wisconsin, Madison, USA),Thomas M. Surowiec (U Marburg, Germany) |
Conic, Copositive, and Polynomial OptimizationEtienne de Klerk (Tilburg, The Netherlands),Luis Zuluaga (Lehigh U, USA) |
Convex and Nonsmooth OptimizationD. Russell Luke (U Göttingen, Germany),René Vidal (Johns Hopkins U, USA) |
Derivative-free and Simulation-based OptimizationAna Luisa Custodio (NOVA Lisbon, Portugal),Francesco Rinaldi (U Padua, Italy) |
Global OptimizationErnesto Birgin (USP, Brasil),Man-Cho So (Chinese U Hongkong) |
Multi-Objective and Vector OptimizationGabriele Eichfelder (TU Ilmenau, Germany),Alexandra Schwartz (TU Darmstadt, Germany) |
Nonlinear OptimizationCoralia Cartis (Oxford U, UK),Sandra A. Santos (U Campinas, Brazil) |
Optimization Applications in Mathematics of Planet EarthEmil Constantinescu (Argonne National Laboratory, USA),Pedro Gajardo (UTSM, Chile) |
Optimization Implementations and SoftwareTodd S. Munson (Argonne National Laboratory, USA),Dominique Orban (Polytechnique Montreal, Canada) |
PDE-constrained Optimization and Optimal ControlJuan Carlos De los Reyes (EPN Quito, Ecuador),Denis Ridzal (Sandia National Laboratory, USA) |
Robust OptimizationMelvyn Sim (NUS, Singapore),Wolfram Wiesemann (Imperial College, UK) |
Sparse Optimization and Information ProcessingMario Figueiredo (Instituto Superior Técnico, Portugal),Shoham Sabach (Technion, Israel) |
Stochastic OptimizationRené Henrion (Weierstrass Institute, Germany),Shu Lu (U North Carolina, USA) |
Applications in Economics, Energy, Engineering and ScienceLars Schewe (U Erlangen, Germany),Peter Schütz (NTNU, Norway), Golbon Zakeri (U Auckland, New Zealand) |
Big Data and Machine LearningGitta Kutyniok (TU Berlin, Germany),Kim-Chuan Toh (NUS, Singapore) |
Complementarity and Variational InequalitiesMichael C. Ferris (U Wisconsin, Madison, USA),Thomas M. Surowiec (U Marburg, Germany) |
Conic, Copositive, and Polynomial OptimizationEtienne de Klerk (Tilburg, The Netherlands),Luis Zuluaga (Lehigh U, USA) |
Convex and Nonsmooth OptimizationD. Russell Luke (U Göttingen, Germany),René Vidal (Johns Hopkins U, USA) |
Derivative-free and Simulation-based OptimizationAna Luisa Custodio (NOVA Lisbon, Portugal),Francesco Rinaldi (U Padua, Italy) |
Global OptimizationErnesto Birgin (USP, Brasil),Man-Cho So (Chinese U Hongkong) |
Multi-Objective and Vector OptimizationGabriele Eichfelder (TU Ilmenau, Germany),Alexandra Schwartz (TU Darmstadt, Germany) |
Nonlinear OptimizationCoralia Cartis (Oxford U, UK),Sandra A. Santos (U Campinas, Brazil) |
Optimization Applications in Mathematics of Planet EarthEmil Constantinescu (Argonne National Laboratory, USA),Pedro Gajardo (UTSM, Chile) |
Optimization Implementations and SoftwareTodd S. Munson (Argonne National Laboratory, USA),Dominique Orban (Polytechnique Montreal, Canada) |
PDE-constrained Optimization and Optimal ControlJuan Carlos De los Reyes (EPN Quito, Ecuador),Denis Ridzal (Sandia National Laboratory, USA) |
Robust OptimizationMelvyn Sim (NUS, Singapore),Wolfram Wiesemann (Imperial College, UK) |
Sparse Optimization and Information ProcessingMario Figueiredo (Instituto Superior Técnico, Portugal),Shoham Sabach (Technion, Israel) |
Stochastic OptimizationRené Henrion (Weierstrass Institute, Germany),Shu Lu (U North Carolina, USA) |
Applications in Economics, Energy, Engineering and ScienceLars Schewe (U Erlangen, Germany),Peter Schütz (NTNU, Norway), Golbon Zakeri (U Auckland, New Zealand) |
Big Data and Machine LearningGitta Kutyniok (TU Berlin, Germany),Kim-Chuan Toh (NUS, Singapore) |
Complementarity and Variational InequalitiesMichael C. Ferris (U Wisconsin, Madison, USA),Thomas M. Surowiec (U Marburg, Germany) |
Conic, Copositive, and Polynomial OptimizationEtienne de Klerk (Tilburg, The Netherlands),Luis Zuluaga (Lehigh U, USA) |
Convex and Nonsmooth OptimizationD. Russell Luke (U Göttingen, Germany),René Vidal (Johns Hopkins U, USA) |
Derivative-free and Simulation-based OptimizationAna Luisa Custodio (NOVA Lisbon, Portugal),Francesco Rinaldi (U Padua, Italy) |
Global OptimizationErnesto Birgin (USP, Brasil),Man-Cho So (Chinese U Hongkong) |
Multi-Objective and Vector OptimizationGabriele Eichfelder (TU Ilmenau, Germany),Alexandra Schwartz (TU Darmstadt, Germany) |
Nonlinear OptimizationCoralia Cartis (Oxford U, UK),Sandra A. Santos (U Campinas, Brazil) |
Optimization Applications in Mathematics of Planet EarthEmil Constantinescu (Argonne National Laboratory, USA),Pedro Gajardo (UTSM, Chile) |
Optimization Implementations and SoftwareTodd S. Munson (Argonne National Laboratory, USA),Dominique Orban (Polytechnique Montreal, Canada) |
PDE-constrained Optimization and Optimal ControlJuan Carlos De los Reyes (EPN Quito, Ecuador),Denis Ridzal (Sandia National Laboratory, USA) |
Robust OptimizationMelvyn Sim (NUS, Singapore),Wolfram Wiesemann (Imperial College, UK) |
Sparse Optimization and Information ProcessingMario Figueiredo (Instituto Superior Técnico, Portugal),Shoham Sabach (Technion, Israel) |
Stochastic OptimizationRené Henrion (Weierstrass Institute, Germany),Shu Lu (U North Carolina, USA) |
before May 15, 2019 | after May 15, 2019 | |
MOS members | EUR 300 | EUR 350 |
Non MOS members (includes MOS membership for 2020) | EUR 385 | EUR 435 |
MOS student or emeritus members | EUR 180 | EUR 230 |
Students non MOS members (includes MOS membership for 2020) | EUR 200 | EUR 250 |
Until May 15, 2019 | full refund (bank transfer fee and service charge subtracted) |
After May 15, 2019 | no refund. |
Travel assistance funds and free participation grants will be available for important contributors who would not otherwise be able to attend ICCOPT and for student contributors to ICCOPT upon application.
How to apply for financial supportMar 17, 2019 | Abstract submission for mini symposia |
Apr 1, 2019 | Application for financial support |
Apr 7, 2019 | Abstract submission for invited/contributed talks |
Apr 15, 2019 | Abstract submission for posters |
May 15, 2019 | Early bird registration |
Sun, Aug 4 | 17:00 - 20:00 |
Mon, Aug 5 | 7:00 - 20:00 |
Tue, Aug 6 | 8:00 - 18:00 |
Wed, Aug 7 | 8:00 - 18:30 |
Thu, Aug 8 | 8:00 - 17:30 |
The Technical University of Berlin (TU Berlin) is a research university located in Berlin, Germany. It was founded in 1879 and became one of the most prestigious education institutions in Europe.
The university is known for its highly ranked engineering programmes, especially in mechanical engineering and engineering management. The university alumni and professor list include US National Academies members, two National Medal of Science laureates and ten Nobel Prize winners.
The Weierstrass Institute for Applied Analysis and Stochastics (WIAS) is a German research institute within the Leibniz Association with a long tradition. In 1946 it became a member of the German Academy of Sciences in Berlin, following the Prussian Academy of Sciences, which was founded by W.G. Leibniz in 1700.
The WIAS conducts project oriented research in applied mathematics with the aim of solving complex problems in technology, science and economy. The institute is located in the city centre of Berlin, and it hosts the permanent office of the International Mathematical Union (IMU).
For details on how to book hotels at ICCOPT special rates, please answer the following question:
We also encourage you to book your accomodation on your favorite platform.
You are invited to attend our welcome reception on Sun, Aug 4, 2019, 17:00–20:00 at the main building of TU Berlin. The reception will include drinks and light snacks and serves as a good occasion to meet other participants in a casual social atmosphere. Furthermore, it provides an early opportunity to register for the ICCOPT 2019 and to collect your name badges and conference materials.
At each day of the conference a guided sight-seeing tour is organized.
More InformationThe Conference Dinner will take place on the boat "MS Mark Brandenburg" on the river Spree. Starting point is at Gotzkowskybrücke, a bridge in 20 minutes walking distance from the conference venue, see map above. We will then cruise through the city of Berlin while having dinner from buffet with modern German food.
The menue contains also vegetarian options. If you need a special diet, please inform us in advance via email to .
A poster session will be held on Monday, August 5 from 18:20 to 20:30 at the Lichthof of the conference venue.
Baverages and snacks will be provided.
Please note that
Nominations/submissions are invited for the Best Paper Prize for Young Researchers in Continuous Optimization. The submitted papers should be in the area of continuous optimization and satisfy one of the following three criteria:
Up to four papers will be selected as finalists of the competition. The finalists will be featured in a dedicated session at ICCOPT 2019, and the prize winner will be determined after the finalist session.
The Best Paper Prize in Continuous Optimization will be presented at the conference banquet.
The finalists will receive free registration to the ICCOPT 2019 and to the conference banquet. Their university or department should cover the travel costs, but finalists can apply for an ICCOPT travel grant. All the three finalists will receive a diploma, and the winner will be presented an award of 1000 EUR.
The scientific program of the ICCOPT 2019 consist mainly of organized sessions. You can submit your invited or contributed session via the conference web system Converia. During the process, title and abstract of the session, as well as names and email addresses of the suggested speakers and the preliminary titles of their talks need to be given. Your speakers will be informed about the submission, and can adjust their personal data, and from Mar 22, 2019 to Apr 7, 2019, also their titles and abstracts. Please connect the session to one of the topic clusters of the conference.
Organized sessions will be scheduled in groups of 3 talks. The minimum number of talks in a session is thus 3. You may also compose your session of a multiple of three talks.
Please note that
Submit invited or contributed talks via the conference web system Converia. During the process, title and abstract of the talk, as well as names and email addresses of possible co-authors need to be entered. If applicable, co-authors will be informed about the submission. Please also connect the talk to one of the topic clusters of the conference.
Please note that
Summer School
The summer school takes place at the weekend before the conference.
Detailed Program